Site Analysis & Engineering Studies
Site Analysis + Institutional & Municipality Consultations + Basic Engineering Studies
Preliminary Site Institutional & Municipality Consultations
Papagayo Design Center will conduct a careful site analysis and land surveys, and research the local government and central institutions regulations and codes, construction zoning, the area environmental restrictions, wildlife protected areas and reserves, wildlife corridors, forestry areas, protected water bodies and rivers, and other site regulations and restrictions.
These are preliminary consultations to determine the availability of public services, as well as any property limitations and development restrictions set by public institutions or government officials.
The documents and entitlements acquired in this phase are indispensable to assure that the site plan and the development of design and construction drawings are going to be in compliance, and that future segregation and construction permits will be processed without problems.
Some of the required preliminary consultations are:
Land Use Certification
Potable water availability
Electric energy availability
Telephone, cable TV and internet service availability
High voltage electric power lines affecting the property
Future public roads affecting the property
Official Public Domain Water bodies and rivers
Storm water discharge approvals
Sewage water treatment plant location
Culvert and bridge construction inside public domain protection zones.
Public road alignment and construction set backs
Property legal titles, easements, and other legal property restrictions.
Maritime zone cadastral plan approval by ICT
garbage collection service
No natural risk site certification
Mangroves and estuaries protected zone delimitations
Site Analysis & Basic Engineering Studies:
We will conduct basic site analysis and studies on the property and surrounding areas, that includes wildlife ecosystems, forestry areas, water bodies and creeks, soils studies, geological analysis, hydrology studies, and geology studies, forestry and tree inventories reports, etc.
With more than 40 years of experience in developing projects, we have a team of expert professionals in every specialty of engineering, geology, geotechnical, hydrology, environmental studies & mitigation, etc.
Some of the Basic Engineering Studies required to design and develop projects are:
Topographical surveys and property border lines verification
ALTA/ACSM Land Title Surveys (American Land Title Association)
Environmental studies and license for developing at SETENA
Forestry studies and tree Inventory
Tree cut permits
Hydrology studies
Geological Investigations
Soil and geotechnical studies
Change of use of land studies and impact.
Hydro geotechnical studies
Material laboratory testing
Land agro-environmental Studies for land use change
Water wells hydro-geological studies, pumping flow testing, and bacteriology and chemical water analysis.
Water well drilling permits & water use concessions
No Natural Risk Analysis at the site
Geotectonic Studies and Seismic Risk Analysis
Emergency evacuation plans